Apa yang salah?
Inilah 15 hal yang menurut Marc and Angel merupakan penghambat kita untuk maju. Baca artikel lengkap di link berikut; http://www.marcandangel.com/2015/04/05/15-things-stopping-you-from-moving-forward/
Inilah 15 poinnya
- You change nothing and expect different results (iyap... gue banget)
- You keep waiting and waiting and waiting for the right time (yup, ini gue)
- Your planning and focus are in disarray (not sure, but maybe)
- You refuse to accept necessary risks (iyap, this too)
- You make the rejections of yesterday the focal point of today (probably)
- You refuse to take responsibility (don't know about this but I think yes)
- You want things to be perfect (wow, this is so me)
- You avoid the truth (not sure about this)
- You close your mind to new ideas and perspectives (I don't think so)
- You let a few negative people fill your mind with garbage (perhaps not)
- You keep telling yourself the wrong story (uhm.. I don't know, but maybe)
- You are holding on to something that’s not real (iyap, this)
- You want and expect things to be easy (not really)
- You have forgotten the importance of helping others, too (probably yes)
- You aren’t taking small steps every day (definitely yes)
Jadi, dari 15 poin di atas, 6 yakin, 5 yes, sisa 4 yang masih ga gitu yakin gue begitu.
Pantesan, gue ga maju-maju, ckck....
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